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时间:2024-04-30 15:23:26
1、父亲生日到了,永远记得您的爱,爸爸,我爱您! Father's birthday, always remember your love, Dad, I love you! 2、祝父亲,永远平安,永远健康,永远幸福。 I wish my father peace, health and happiness forever. 3、老爸,今天是你生日,祝你生日快乐。 Dad, today is your birthday. Happy birthday to you. 4、父亲的怀抱,是我很温暖的避风港。 My father's arms are my warmest haven. 5、父亲是一座挺拔的高山,让生活总是向上。 Father is a tall and straight mountain, let life always up. 6、你把眼融成一轮明月,伴我走过每一条人生路。 You melt your eyes into a bright moon and accompany me through every life path. 7、祝我领先的老爸生日快乐,我非常爱您! Happy birthday to my unique dad, I love you so much! 8、父老得书知我在,小轩临水为君行。 My father knows that I'm here. I'll walk in front of the water. 9、父亲是电线,我是盏彩灯,在父亲的支持下绽放光芒。 My father is a wire, and I am a lantern, shining with my father's support. 10、好爸爸,我爱你,希望你,开心驻,乐逍遥。 Good dad, I love you and hope you are happy and happy. 11、父亲生日里,祝父亲健康长寿,幸福*,孩子爱您! On my father's birthday, I wish my father a long and healthy life, happiness forever, and my child loves you! 12、你把背躬成一座桥,伴我度过幸福的彼岸。 You bow your back into a bridge and spend the other side of happiness with me. 13、鹤乘甘露游东海,松披祥云挺南山。 The crane travels in the East China Sea on the sweet dew, and the pines cover the auspicious clouds to support the south mountain. 14、父亲是一场风,拂去生活的负重。 Father is a wind that blows away the burden of life. 15、为子女奔波劳忙,父亲生日祝你安康! I'm busy working for my children. I wish you a happy birthday! 16、祝你生日快乐,永远健康,你陪我小,我陪你老。 Wish you a happy birthday, always healthy, you accompany me small, I accompany you old. 17、愿把吉祥送,好运永伴,生活美满;祝父亲每天快乐。 I wish you good luck and a happy life. I wish you a happy father every day. 18、送你一件保暖衣,合身合心有暖意。 I'll give you a warm jacket, which fits well and warms your heart. 19、爸爸,多谢您为我做的一切。 Thank you for everything, Dad. 20、爸爸,父亲生日给您擦擦汗,擦去劳累和疲倦。 Dad, father's birthday to wipe your sweat, wipe away tired and tired. 21、一肩挑起生活的重担,压弯了脊梁,苍老了容颜。 Shoulder to shoulder the burden of life, bending the backbone, aged face. 22、爸爸,今天是您的寿辰,祝您生日快乐! Dad, today is your birthday. Happy birthday! 23、子睿父心轩,子勤父心欢,子坠父心碎,子懒父心寒。 Son Rui father heart Xuan, son Qin father heart happy, son fall father heart broken, son lazy father heart cold. 24、赏赏很美的霞光,愿父亲健健康康。 Enjoy the most beautiful sunshine, wish father healthy and healthy. 25、衷心祝愿父母亲,增福增寿增富贵,添财添喜添好运。 I sincerely wish my parents happiness, longevity, wealth and good luck. 26、儿孙满堂尽孝心,敬祝二老福寿绵长! Children and grandchildren are filial. I wish you a long and happy life! 27、送你一根无忧烟,幸福开心永相随。 Send you a worry free cigarette, happy forever. 28、祝父亲:福如东海,寿比南山,福寿万年! Wish father: blessing like the East China Sea, longevity than Nanshan, longevity! 29、满地梨花听喜报,安享盛世年年好。 All over the land, pear flowers listen to the good news and enjoy the good times every year. 30、美酒佳肴烟雾绕,祝福声声,老少齐欢笑。 Wine, food, smoke, blessings, and laughter.





